EU-PFF Full Member Application Form Back to Criteria About your organisation * Mandatory field *Your first name *Your last name *Your personal email *About your organisation *Postal address *City *State/Province *ZIP Code *Country *Your organisation's telephone number Including country code *Office email of your organisation *Website address of your organisation *Key Contact Name of person and role in the organisation *Year of legal registration *Brief description of your organisation *Mission, key objectives and key initiatives of your organisation *Key motivation to join the federation (your statement on why you want to be part of EU-PFF) *Number of members or patients your organisation represents today *As representative of my organisation, I expressly agree to and accept the EU-PFF Statutes and the Code of Conduct YesNo *As representative of my organisation, I declare that: —Please choose an option—My organisation has no profit-making purposesMy organisation is independent from commercial and political interestAn important part of our activities develops implements and influences policies for the promotion of PF care and servicesMy organisation commits to pay annual fees on demandMy organisation commits to share the aims and objectives of EU-PFFNeither the organisation nor its members have a potential conflict of interest Please upload the statutes of your organisation (in their official language) - if available (*.doc, *.docx, *.pdf) Max file size 10MB - Allowed files: *.doc, *.docx, *.pdf Please upload your latest annual report & accounts - if available Max file size 10MB - Allowed files: *.doc, *.docx, *.pdf *Privacy Policy I read the privacy policy and agree Note: All the data submitted in this formular will be deleted 09-06-2023 Submit