ERS International Congress 2023

02 Mar 2023 - 02:03

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The ERS (European Respiratory Society) International Congress 2023 will take place at MiCo in Milan, Italy from 9 – 13 September, 2023, and bring together the world’s respiratory experts to showcase all the latest advances in respiratory medicine and science. Find out more here.

Attendance at the conference is open to patients and patient representatives at reduced fees. Find our more here.

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Next webinar on Jan 31 2024 at 7:00 pm CET: “Living with Lung Fibrosis: Optimising Mental Health and Wellbeing”

What can PF patients do to improve their mental health? This and other questions will be addressed by Prof Brendan Kelly, Professor of Psychiatry at Trinity College Dublin and Consultant Psychiatrist at Tallaght University Hospital, Dublin, in the upcoming session on “Living with Lung Fibrosis: Optimising Mental Health and Wellbeing”. The session will be moderated by Liam Galvin, EU-PFF CEO.