EU-PFF Webinar #6 | Summary: “ERS 2022 – key takeaways for patients and carers”

06 Dec 2022 - 10:12

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Sixth and final EU-IPFF webinar leading up to the European Pulmonary Fibrosis Summit in November 2022: “ERS 2022 – key takeaways for patients and carers”, held by Dr Muhunthan Thillai, consultant thoracic physician at the Cambridge Interstitial Lung Disease Unit at Royal Papworth Hospital, Dr Elizabeth Renzoni, consultant respiratory physician at Royal Brompton Hospital, and Karen Moor, PhD candidate at the Respiratory Department of the Erasmus MC in Rotterdam, and Steve Jones, EU-IPFF President, on October 17th 2022.

This is the summary by Steve Jones. Click on the CC button in the bottom right corner to select subtitles in your language (available languages: English, Dutch, French, German, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian and Spanish.

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