EU-PFF Benchmarking Report Training Sessions

02 Jun 2021 - 09:06

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With a view to driving evidence-based policies, the European Pulmonary Fibrosis Federation (EU-PFF) commissioned a first edition of the Benchmarking Report in 2018.

Its goal was to measure how European countries, where EU-PFF members are based, were performing against a number of criteria related to IPF care and management. A new edition of the report (2020) is now available and includes four additional countries.

The Report highlights best practices and identifies gaps where urgent policy action is needed.

The EU-PFF Secretariat organised a series of training events associated with the publication of the second edition of the EU-PFF Benchmarking Report and Country Reports in January and February 2021.

The purpose of the training and discussion sessions was to ensure that the participants, members of EU-PFF through their respective country organisations, understand and can deploy the Benchmarking Report and the respective Country Reports in their local policy work.

The Benchmarking Report and the associated toolkit provide information and recommendations for evidence-based advocacy work both in scientific research and health policy.

Seen as the countries most in need, three country member groups were invited to the training program:

● Greece
● Bulgaria
● Hungary – unfortunately, and due to the disruption in the healthcare systems and the organisation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the group from Hungary stepped back from the program.

Please find the report on the training sessions here.

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